Happy Clients 

After working with Captivate for over a year now, I can say its been one of the most beneficial and supportive professional relationships. Captivate have brought so much knowledge and skill to our business, while making sure they understand our business needs and the success we want to achieve. They are always adaptable and willing to help and have started to move our business into a new way of thinking. I look forward to working with them in the future on an even bigger global scale. 

— Emma Jones, HR Manager, Senko UK & Europe

“Thank you for facilitating our workshops on Friday, it was great.

 You made a safe environment for all members of staff to voice their opinions on everything and it was very eye-opening.” 


“For those looking for more positive outcomes in any aspect of their personal or professional life, I would recommend working with Michelle. Her coaching style is natural and professional creating a healthy space of trust and motivation. NLP trained, she was able to support me in shifting my patterns around certain thinking and behaviour leading to more beneficial outcomes for myself. She will challenge where needed to keep you on track and ensure you meet your goals”


“Thank you so much for an exhausting but productive day on Friday!…..I was impressed by your ability to adapt quickly to what came up and go with what was important to us. The activities were simple but effective, and brought about useful discussions.” 


Marjan, I can’t find enough words to thank you for helping me work out how to connect better with my clients! I’ve literally gone from being frustrated to having so much clarity and confidence about my approach and style. I’ve learned so much about how I can leverage my strengths in any situation and I’ve noticed the difference it makes to my energy. Everything just feels so much easier now! Not only that, it has helped me deal with situations in my personal life that i usually wouldn't have known how to even approach! I can’t recommend you enough as a Coach, you’re amazing, thank you so much again!


“Michelle's coaching over the past 2 years has been invaluable. Her style and tools (like the strengths report) have been great at helping identify and achieve my goals. Highly recommend!”


Marjan, your coaching couldn’t have come at a better time. There’s been so much going on in my life, you really helped change my perspective on things. As a stay at home mum, it’s easy to forget my identity. I’m a mum, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend which means I’m always doing something for others, nothing for myself. Taking up coaching with you was the first time in a long time that` I decided to do something for myself and it has felt so good doing it. It’s been such a positive experience and what I found really interesting was all the stuff we covered about strengths, I knew I was good at some things but I didn’t realise the depth of how they are my unique and natural strengths. More than that, I realised that I had actually been using those strengths…you could say with my eyes shut! This is going to be a game changer parenting my three children! Once again, thank you so much, I am going to recommend you to all my mummy friends!


When I first read about Strengths I was immediately intrigued - it sounded like such a great approach for self development. I found my bespoke report to be absolutely spot on, it resonated with me SO much! Getting an in depth understanding of my natural talents has given me confidence by helping me to understand what I can lean in to so that I can achieve my goals.  I would strongly recommend Strengths Coaching by Captivate to anyone!


“Just wanted to give some feedback about the event. I personally really enjoyed the pace, flow and activities that were set-out over the two days…….The delivery and activities were varied and the facilitators spent time getting to know us as individuals - very approachable, professional and honest.”


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