The Captivate Experience

Our goal is to bring out the best in every individual by unleashing their potential. People are your most valuable asset and we are passionate about optimising the dynamics and cuture within teams so that individuals can truly thrive!

Our High-Performance Specialists work with you, cutting through complex issues with ease and gaining a thorough understanding of the outcomes you’re looking to achieve. Our interventions are shaped around the personalities present in your workforce, highlighting the existing skills and giving your team autonomy so they can move forward, efficiently and with confidence.

We create a safe, challenging environment where meaningful conversations can happen. To up level the performance in your team, we work with you to take you on a journey through our proven Signature System - The Excellence Activator Model (T.E.A.M)


◾ Creating Clarity

◾ Unleashing Individual potential

◾ Optimising Team Dynamics and Culture

Your team will undergo sustainable, impactful transformation. Creative blocks are released, and our clients always leave our programmes with a renewed sense of collective motivation, shared buy-in to the organisational ethos and a viable plan to progress.

We create a psychologically safe environment to give your team the space to truly identify the issues which are preventing progress, with a no-blame, honest discourse that enables a shift in mindset, a move to collaborative working, and merging the varied skills already present to the benefit of the whole team. With this shift in thinking and behaviour, individuals are able to thrive – leading to greater organisational success.


“Change is the only constant in life.”

— Heraclitus


With more than two decades of experience in Leadership and Business Transformation, and a diverse background centred on international success and commitment to greatness, we take pride in our energetic, refreshing style, and in bringing that ethos to your organisation.


What’s different about us?

There are many consultants and coaches in the industry, so what makes us the right choice for you?

The simple answer is that we are the difference.

 With extensive professional experience, covering the worlds of science, law, finance, personal and professional development and organizational change, we also have backgrounds in elite sport, competing internationally in rugby, athletics and netball.

Competing at that level can only happen when innate talent is paired with energy, passion, a dedication to unleashing potential, and commitment to maintaining high-performing team dynamics, focused on making the best use of individual strengths to the benefit of the whole.

We have a unique insight into applying these skills - developing that same insight in your team is the key to lasting change.

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